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  • Diane Cornthwaite

The Therapeutic Power of Water: How Swimming Benefits Horses Recovering from Tendon Injuries

Tendon injuries are quite common in horses, often resulting in prolonged recovery periods and possible career-limiting consequences. While traditional treatments like rest, medications, and physical therapy are commonly employed, a lesser-known yet highly effective method for aiding recovery is swimming. This blog post will delve into the benefits of swimming for horses in tendon injury recovery and highlight how this aquatic therapy can drastically improve their rehabilitation process.

1. Reduced Weight-Bearing:

One of the primary advantages of swimming as a form of therapeutic exercise for horses with tendon injuries is the reduced weight-bearing during the workout. When submerged in water, a horse's body experiences buoyancy, which greatly decreases the amount of stress on its injured limb. This reduced weight-bearing allows the horse to perform movements with decreased resistance and minimal impact, which is beneficial for the healing tendon.

2. Controlled Environment:

Swimming provides a controlled environment where the intensity, duration, and frequency of exercises can be easily regulated to ensure progressive tendon healing. The temperature, depth, and properties of the water can be carefully adjusted to optimize therapeutic benefits. This controlled environment allows for a gradual increase in exercise intensity, safely strengthening the injured tendon without excessive strain.

3. Alleviation of Swelling and Inflammation:

Swimming plays a crucial role in reducing swelling and inflammation associated with tendon injuries in horses. The hydrostatic pressure exerted by the water improves blood circulation and promotes efficient lymphatic drainage. This process assists in flushing out excess fluid and metabolic waste from the injured area, reducing swelling and inflammation. By minimizing these painful symptoms, swimming creates an optimal environment for healing and accelerates the recovery process.

4. Controlled Rehabilitation and Range of Motion:

Swimming provides a controlled rehabilitation environment, allowing for carefully monitored exercise progression and adjustable water depths. This controlled setting allows veterinary professionals and trainers to regulate the intensity, duration, and frequency of workouts, ensuring the horse's tendon is gradually strengthened without overexertion. Additionally, the resistance offered by water helps improve range of motion in the injured limb, increasing flexibility and preventing stiffness during the healing process.

5. Low-Risk Cross-Training:

Swimming offers an excellent opportunity for horses to engage in low-impact cross-training activities during tendon injury recovery. The variety of movements performed in water, such as trotting, cantering, or even jumping in specialized equine therapy pools, enables horses to experience different muscle engagement and develop overall strength without the stress typically associated with traditional training

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